Carr & Co Solicitors

Love and Marriage Prenuptial Agreement


A Pre-nuptial Agreement most commonly known as a ‘pre-nup’ is an agreement that is entered into by two people who are about to marry.  Its purpose is to protect each of their assets in the future should they ever decide to divorce.


We understand that when you are in love and you have so many things to organise for the big day, a Pre-nup will be the last thing on your mind.  But have you ever considered what would happen to your beautiful family home if you and your soon to be spouse got divorced?  Who would keep you beloved family pets?  How do your ring fence your prized possessions?  How might you ensure that any inheritance due to your children from a previous relationship is still paid to them?


A Pre-nup can help you settle these matters at the outset and save a lot of heartbreak later


Pre-nups may soon become legally binding. However, if they are drafted correctly and each of the parties have taken legal advice at the time of entering into the agreement, it is a very persuasive document for the Court to look at in order to determine any dispute over finances in subsequent Divorce Proceedings.


For more information contact us on 0191 284 0363.