Carr & Co Solicitors

More Power to you


Everyone has heard the mantra “you must make a will” and it is true it is important but a Will is all about what happens when you are no longer here but what about when you are here but no longer able or willing to deal with your own affairs? It is just as important if not more so that those affairs are dealt with by people you can trust. This is where a Lasting Power of Attorney can empower you at a time when you may feel powerless.


There are two types of Lasting Powers of Attorney; one for Property & Affairs and one for Health & Welfare. The most popular is the Finances as this can make dealing with banks and other financial institutions so much easier.


Health & Welfare Lasting Powers are particularly useful if you have a diagnosis which gives you cause for concern as you can include within it guidance to your appointed Attorney e.g. “I want you to have regard to the quality of my life rather than the quantity” and you can even give authority for the withdrawal of life sustaining treatment


Powers of Attorney can’t be used until they have been registered at the Office of Public Guardian who have a very useful website with lots of information for both Donors ( the person who grants the Power) and Attorneys ( the person/s to whom power is granted) this can be found at :  For more information contact our offices.